lice prevention

Pre-Holiday Lice Prevention

This year’s holiday season is already beginning to look a little different for many of us. With a national pandemic at hand the holiday stress can really add up this year. Head lice is the last thing you need on your holiday list. Unfortunately, the spread of head lice tend to increase during the holiday season. With busy shopping crowds and more gatherings lice are in their prime. While distancing may help slow them this year, it’s still best to be aware. We’ve put together a pre-holiday lice prevention list to keep you lice free and ready for the holidays.

1. Know Your Facts

Knowing your lice facts from lice myths can help you stay prepared. For instance, knowing that lice crawl host to host and don’t jump or fly is important. Get familiar with lice terminology and know the difference between a nit and a louse. Lice can’t live long without a human host, and will die within 24-48 hours without one. Knowing this can help you clean infected areas and avoid where live lice may be. Knowing these simple facts can help you steer clear of infestations and protect yourself this season.

2. Know the Symptoms

It is important to know and be aware of all the signs of head lice. Most people know about the itching but aren’t aware itching often doesn’t occur for several weeks after the infestation happens. You could have lice for weeks if that’s the only sign you are looking for. Common signs of head lice include red bumps along the scalp and neck area and visible lice or nits close to the head. A tickling or moving feeling may occur in the hair as the lice move about. Nits may be found close to the scalp and will be tan to white in color and hard to remove. Lice like dark damp places and will often be found behind the ears, close to the scalp, and along the neckline. Know the signs and be aware of what to check for. You can check for lice by wetting the hair and running a fine comb through it. Use a flashlight to look through the hair.

3. Know What Spreads

There are some common ways lice spread that can be easily prevented. Head lice like mentioned above cannot fly and must crawl to spread. The most common way they spread is direct contact. Avoid coming in direct contact as much as possible. Be aware of whom you’re hugging or standing close to. Wear long hair up in tight hairstyles or hats to avoid it coming into contact with others long hair. Remind children to courteous of others while playing. Don’t share winter apparel like hats, scarves, and jackets that come in contact with hair. Avoid sharing other accessories that touch hair like brushes, barrettes, and headbands. Just as we should be cautious with the pandemic be cautious with head lice. Ask a head if anyone has had head lice lately and if so take proper precautions.

4. Know How to Get Rid of Lice

Even when we try our hardest, head lice can still happen. Head lice are tricky pests, and they can affect anyone at anytime. The good news is there is help out there. At Lice Clinics of America we specialize in helping with all things head lice related. We use our signature AirAlle device that uses heat to dehydrate and kill all lice and nits in the first treatment guaranteed! Our treatment is quick and leaves you lice free so you can get back to enjoying your holidays. Other treatments require several re-treatments to get rid of lice and have no guarantee. Our experts are here to get you back to being lice free today! For more information on our AirAlle Treatments checkout how they work here.

Our experts are here to help keep your holidays happy and lice free. For any questions on holiday lice prevention or head lice in general we are here!

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

head lice prevention

Do Head Lice Spread in Winter?

We get a lot of questions about head lice. One of the most common this time of year is, do head lice even spread in the winter? We understand a lot of other insects die off in the winter months, but unfortunately head lice are not one of them. Head lice spread in the winter just like every other month.

Head Lice in the Winter

While head lice do prefer to be warm, the winter does slow the spread of lice. Nits won’t hatch if they get below room temperature. Lucky for them they survive off the heat of their human hosts not the outside temperature. The return to school, holiday travel, and holiday get togethers is actually a head lice’s winter wonderland. Lice outbreaks often happen in the winter after these events as people gather close together and lice can easily spread. Winter head lice spread is real and is something you should take precautions to prevent.

Preventing Head Lice in the Winter

Preventing head lice in the winter is a lot like preventing lice any other time of the year. The number one thing you can do is avoid head-to-head contact. With holiday gatherings this can be hard. We suggest hugging alternatives with social distancing in effect in many places anyways. You can also wear your hair up in festive hair styles to keep it out of the way. Avoid sharing accessories like hats, coats, and sweaters that come in contact with hair. Call ahead before traveling and inquire about the health of everyone in attendance. Avoiding head lice outbreaks is a great way to keep from spreading lice.

Should you find yourself with head lice this winter don’t panic. Lice Clinics of America – West Palm Beach and Treasure Coast are here to help! Our signature AirAllé device uses heat to dehydrate and kill lice fast. Leaving you head and your family head lice free in just one treatment guaranteed. We know winter can be a busy time and head lice is the last thing you want to be dealing with. Let Lice Clinics of America take care of things for you and get you back to your winter activities.

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

head lice dos and don'ts

The Dos and Don’ts of Head Lice

Getting head lice can be confusing enough but knowing what and what not to do about it can be even more confusing. No one wants to have head lice any longer than they have to. Just like no one wants to spend thousands of dollars and countless hours on riding lice either. That’s why at Lice Clinics of America we believe in helping our clients with more than just head lice treatments but lice advice too. We’ll walk you through all the head lice dos and don’ts and take the confusion out of head lice removal.

Head Lice Don’ts

Let’s start with don’ts so you can hopefully use them as a cautionary to avoid head lice in the future and stay lice free.

  • Don’t panic or feel ashamed. Head lice can infest anyone, it happens often, and with Lice Clinics of America you can have them gone in no time!
  • Don’t use harsh chemicals, DIY treatments, or over the counter products. You could be harming yourself, and they may not be killing all the lice and eggs. Avoid having to pay for multiple treatments with LCA’s signature AirAllé treatment, a fast-guaranteed way to treat lice.
  • Don’t share accessories like hats, coats, hoodies, hairbrushes, and hair ties. Sharing items that have come in contact with your hair can help spread head lice. It’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid sharing these items.
  • Don’t overdo it on the cleaning. There is no need to buy new furniture or hire an exterminator or cleaning company. Head lice can only lice 24-48 hours without a host so most will die once leaving your head. A simple deep cleaning of your home will do.

Head Lice Do’s

Avoiding the confusion and stress of head lice can be easy with some helpful tips.

  • Do take a minute to breathe and come up with a plan. Most people’s first reaction to lice is stress. Taking a moment to focus can help you come up with a game plan and find that things really are not so bad.
  • Do inform others you have been in close contact with recently. While head lice can feel embarrassing, informing others can help prevent the spread and help them find infestations faster. Remember head lice can infest anyone and are nothing to be ashamed about.
  • Do avoid head-to-head contact. Head lice spread most commonly through direct contact. They cannot jump or fly and there for must crawl host to host. Avoiding direct contact can help you stop the spread and stay lice free.
  • Do get professional help riding head lice. Like we mentioned above a lot of over the counter and DIY solutions don’t kill all the lice the first time around. A professional on the other hand, can help ensure your first treatment leaves you lice free. At Lice Clinics of America, we use an FDA-cleared medical device to dehydrate and kill all lice and nits the first time, guaranteed.

Lice doesn’t have to be confusing with our easy-to-follow head lice dos and don’ts. Remember Lice Clinics of America is always here to answer any lice questions you may have and provide you with professional lice advice.

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

getting head lice

What to Do When You Get Head Lice?

Getting head lice yourself or having a child with head lice can be overwhelming and stressful. It is common to panic a little and not know what to do first. There are so many myths and so much hype surrounding head lice it is hard not to feel stressed out trying to find the best way to handle your new situation. That’s why Lice Clinics of America is here to help make your life easier! We’ve put together a list of 4 things you can do to help make getting rid of lice go smoothly and stress free:

1. Do Not Stress

Having head lice usually causes stress right away for most people. Whether it’s you or your child, it can be stressful not knowing where it came from or what to do next. The best thing to do though is stay calm and know there is help. Panic and stress will only make the situation worse. Relax and focus on making a plan instead. Lice Clinics of America is only a call away and can help with any lice advice you may need.

2. Call Work and School

Informing those you or your infested family member have been around is important to help stop further spread of lice. If it is you, be sure to let your work know and also let them know you will be out for a few hours to take care of things. If it is your child letting their school know can help them prevent a large outbreak or find out if another student may have brought it in. We know this is often embarrassing for people, but the truth is anyone can get head lice and it is important to remember you could be helping stop the spread of further outbreaks.

3. Clean

You may feel the need to do some extreme cleaning after finding head lice anywhere in your home, but it does not have to be too intense. Head lice can’t live more than 24-48 hours without a host. Cleaning is important but a simple deep clean will do the trick. No big cleaning companies needed. Simply vacuum and wash floors, wash and dry all bedding and clothing that came in contact with the lice or person. You can follow our head lice cleaning tips here for more help!

4. Get Treated

Treating head lice at home can be tempting but over the years it has become less and less effective with the increasing number of super lice. Super lice are chemical resistant lice that are not effected by the chemicals found in many over the counter (OTC) lice products. Getting treated professionally can help guarantee that all lice, super lice, and eggs are truly gone. At Lice Clinics of America, we use our signature AirAllé medical device to remove lice without chemicals. The AirAllé device uses heat to dehydrate lice without using any chemicals and kills all lice and eggs, including super lice. We guarantee you’ll leave lice free and able to get back to work and school.

Don’t let head lice stress you out! Let Lice Clinics of America help you get lice free and back to your life today!

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

lice life-cycle

How Long have You had Head Lice?

It’s happened and you definitely have head lice! You immediately have a million questions. Where did they come from? What do you do to get rid of them? And probably the scariest of all how long have they been there? It can be unsettling not knowing how long they’ve been crawling around, but we are here to help you get an estimate on how long you’ve had head lice.

The Lice Life-cycle

lice life-cycle

The best way to determine how long you’ve had lice is to know the life-cycle of head lice and determine where in it the lice are:

  • A lice infestation begins when the lice that have spread to a person’s head begin to lay their nits or eggs.
  • The nits can be found close to the scalp and will begin to hatch within 7-10 days
  • Over the next 7-10 days the nymphs (hatched nits) will continues to grow and mature. Before reaching full maturity, they will shed their exoskeleton three times. During the final molt their gender will be determined based on what is needed in the colony.
  • Once gender is determined females will begin to mate and start the process over.

Female nits will mate only one time but will continue to lay up 10 eggs a day for the rest of their 30-33 day lifespan. You can use this cycle to now determine the estimated length of your infestation.

How Long Have You Had Lice?

lice nit in hair

Knowing the details of the lice life-cycle can help you determine the stage your particular outbreak is at and possibly the severity of it. Most infestations are noticed 30 days after the nymphs have reached maturity, making it easier to see the lice in the hair. To examine your scalp wet the hair and comb through it with a fine comb and flashlight. Take note of the different stages: casings (shells from hatching), nits, nymphs, and number of adults. If there are a larger number of nits than adults, it is safe to say you’ve had the infestation longer than 30 days. You can also use the placement of nits to determine the amount of time it’s been. Lice lay nits as close to the scalp as they can and hair grows at the average rate of 1 cm a month. If nits are 1cm from the scalp it’s been one month, 2cm it’s been 2 months, and so on.

What to Do with This Knowledge

5 young kids laying on the grass with their heads together smiling and laughing because they are lice free!

Knowing how long you’ve had head lice won’t mean much for how you treat the lice. It can help you determine where you got the lice and inform others you may have come in contact with. Knowing where you got the lice from can help you avoid that situation in the future. Being able to inform others you may have been in close contact with during the unknown time of the infestation can help them get a head start on checking for lice and help prevent further infestations.

How To Get Rid Of Head Lice

head lice treatment clinicians

Getting rid of head lice is a lot easier than most think thanks to Lice Clinics America. Our signature AirAllé device removes both head lice and nits in one quick, guaranteed treatment. The AirAllé device uses heat to dehydrate lice without any harsh chemicals. Our professionals are trained and knowledgeable on all things lice and ready to help you get back to being lice free!

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

lice nit in hair

What are Nits & What do they Look Like?

Head lice are hard to see and even harder to deal with, but what do you do when someone starts to ask you about nits and getting rid of them? What even are nits and why are they such a big deal?

What Are Nits?

lice nit in hair

Nits are lice eggs and it’s important to get rid of them so that the head lice don’t just come back when all the new eggs hatch. Female lice can lay 3 to 10 eggs a day, leaving behind a lot of nits. When checking for an infestation it’s more common to see the nits than the head lice crawling around, but it is important to remember the nits couldn’t have gotten there without the adult lice. As lice continue to lay more eggs, and eggs continue to hatch, the infestation worsens and the chance of spreading lice likens. It’s important when treating lice to be sure your treatment works for both adult lice and nits.

What Do Nits Look Like?

Close-up view of a louse egg on hair shaft

Nits look like small, symmetrical ovals that head lice attach to close to the scalp. Often they are white or light in color and attach to the hair on a slight angle. These pesky little guys are hard to remove and will feel almost glued to the hair. Unlike dandruff or other similarly colored flecks, they will not be easily brushed out. Adult lice lay nits close to the scalp where the temperature is perfect for keeping the eggs warm until hatching. This close proximity also makes it hard to remove nits even by cutting or shaving hair. If you think you have nits but aren’t sure feel free to snap a photo to send to us or bring to ask our professionals.

How To Treat Nits?

Close up view of the heated air device for dehydrating head lice

Not all lice treatments are created equal. Some treatments only treat adult lice and require a second treatment in hopes of catching the nits when they hatch. This system doesn’t always work and the process can continue on. Others use harsh chemicals to kill the two that aren’t always safe for the user either. At Lice Clinics of America, we use an innovative technique that uses no harsh chemicals and kills both head lice and nits the first time! Our signature AirAllé device uses heat to dehydrate lice and nits and safely rid you of all lice guaranteed!

Nits can cause all sorts of problems but Lice Clinics of America is here to help you get back to your day!

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

LCA West Palm Beach 3 common ways adults get head lice

3 Common Ways Adults Get Head Lice

As adults it always seems to be a shock when we or someone of our age has head lice. We think of lice as the nasty critters that plagued our childhood classrooms not our adulthood. Unfortunately, head lice don’t see age and can affect adults just as much as children.

Adults do have a few advantages though when fighting off lice infestations. They tend to be more hygienic and aware of the threat at hand making it easier to for adults to stay diligent and take steps to avoiding lice. Here are 3 common ways adults get head lice so you can be aware and avoid them in the future:

  1. Direct Contact

Direct head to head contact is the most common way head lice spread. Lice cannot jump or fly but instead crawl, so when our heads are in close contact it is easiest for the lice to move to a new host. Think of things like hugging, laying on the floor with friends or kids, or being in a crowded space. Any of these instances where your hair or heads brush together allow the lice to move from one host to the next.

  1. Sharing

Sharing is usually caring, except when head lice are involved. Items like scarves, hair accessories, hats, jackets, or hoodies can all help transfer head lice. During times of outbreaks it’s best not to share items and even still, it’s best to bring your own or check items before use. Lice can live up to 24 hours out of human hair in the proper conditions and items like these can easily transfer them from person to person.

  1. Our Families

We love our families and especially as the adult in the household it’s our responsibility to take care of them even when they have head lice. Children or other family members with lice is one of the leading causes of outbreaks in the entire family, adults included. To avoid this, it’s best to follow the above rules. Avoid head to head or direct contact until they are clear of lice. Do not share items that they have encountered and be sure to clean thoroughly. You can find proper head lice cleaning tips here. It’s hard not to hold and comfort your loved one in tough times, but lice can be easily taken care of and Lice Clinics of America is here for you!

If you do find yourself with a head lice problem don’t hesitate to give us a call or come into Lice Clinics of America. Our signature AirAllé device removes both lice and nits fast using heat and no harsh chemicals. The AirAllé treatment is backed by our lice free guarantee and performed by our trained lice removal professionals. Whether an adult or child in your family has lice we are here to help you and get your family back to enjoying their day!

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

LCA West Palm Beach dandruff vs. head lice

Dandruff vs. Head Lice

Having an itchy head is never a great feeling but thinking it’s head lice can make it even worse. Often unless dandruff has been a past problem lice is one of the first concerns on our mind when our scalps begin to itch. Thinking you have head lice when it’s really just dandruff can cause a lot of unnecessary stress. That is why it’s important to know the different signs of head lice and dandruff.

What is Dandruff?

Dandruff is a common condition that causes the skin on the head to flake and in many cases itching. It can be caused by a variety of things from dry skin and not shampooing enough to irritated oily skin and a sensitivity to hair care products. Dandruff only affects those with the condition and is not in any way contagious or transferable.

What are Head Lice?

Head lice are small insects that attach to human hosts’ hair and feed off their blood. They attach to the hair and lay their eggs near the scalp. Unlike common belief a lice infestation is not a sign of poor hygiene or unclean living environment, just that you came in contact with another infested person. Head lice are spread by direct contact from host to host and are transferable from one person to another.

The Difference in Symptoms?

While both dandruff and head lice cause an itchy scalp that’s really where their similarities end. The itching dandruff causes is caused by dry, flakey skin and often the clumps of skin can be felt in the hair. While the itching caused by lice is from the moving bugs. Occasionally lice can be felt moving in the hair. Signs of head lice include itching and rash or redness around the neck, ears, and shoulders. As well as visible lice and nits upon inspection. Dandruff symptoms include white flakes that fall from the hair, oily or dry scalp, and scaly skin on the scalp.

How to Treat Dandruff?

Dandruff can usually be treated very easily. For mild cases it is best to start by simply washing the hair with regular shampoo daily to prevent the build up of oils and cells. If this doesn’t work switch to a medicated dandruff shampoo. There are several different types of dandruff shampoos and it may take awhile to find the one best suited for your hair. Be sure to follow the directions for the shampoo. You can also help by following a healthier diet, getting more sun, and limiting the amount of hair styling products you use.

How to Treat Head Lice?

Head lice may seem a bit more daunting than dandruff, but it can be just as easy to treat. With Lice Clinics of America, we can treat it faster than dandruff! Our signature AirAllé device uses heat to rid lice and nits in just one hour! Our trained technicians are experts in getting rid of lice and our treatment is backed by our lice free guarantee! The AirAllé device is state of the art and rids not just lice but super lice and nits too!

Don’t be stuck itching your head and wondering if it’s dandruff or lice. Know the signs and be ready to take them on! Whether it’s dandruff or head lice be prepared and confident that you can tackle any stressful itch.

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

LCA West Palm Beach Head Lice Don't Hop like the Easter Bunny

Lice Don’t Hop Like the Easter Bunny

Head lice are annoying little creatures that often plague our homes at the most inopportune times. The thought of head lice often is enough to make peoples head begin to itch. Their ability to spread and infest entire families or even schools is frightening and causes a great deal of anxiety, but the fact is if we took care to learn their habits, we could do a lot to prevent their spread.

Lice Don’t Hop

Lice are only like the Easter Bunny in the fact that they bring eggs with them. Head lice will not hop along to the next host or jump head to head, they can only crawl. You must come in contact with the lice for them to latch on and infest. Direct head to head contact is the easiest and most common way head lice spread. Coming in contact with a surface or object the lice are on can lead to an infestation but is less likely as lice can not live long without a host to feed off.

How to Prevent the Spread

If lice aren’t hopping down the bunny trail but instead are crawling it makes preventing them much easier! By keeping our head and hair out of contact with others we can help prevent the lice from crawling in and infesting. Be cautious of your personal space and limit direct contact during outbreaks. Don’t share items or clothing that touch your head or hair. Hats, hoodies, jackets, brushes, and hair accessories are all examples of items that could potentially transfer lice. Talk to your family and children about the importance of keeping these items to themselves. Wear hair up in ponytails, updos, or hats to keep it out of the way.

How to Treat Lice

Should the lice find a way in, it’s best to remember to keep calm and that it’s not your fault! Head lice happens to everyone and we are here to help! At Lice Clinics to America we will hop to it and get you the best care and advice! Our signature AirAlle device removes both lice and their eggs (nits) in 60 minutes or less. It’s chemical free and best of all is backed by our lice free guarantee! Technicians are trained, knowledgeable, and ready to help you get back to your everyday life!

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

LCA West Palm Beach Talking about head lice

Talking About Head Lice

Head lice is always an uncomfortable topic to discuss, especially amongst adults. When it comes to neighborhood gatherings, PTA meetings, or lunch with the girls, the last thing anyone wants is to bring up the uncomfortable topics. Head lice is one of those topics though that seems to wedge its way into conversation at the most inconvenient times, when it’s too late and an infestation has occurred. As parents, it’s our job to have the tough discussions ahead of time though to prevent this, so how can we talk to our peers to help avoid the head lice situation?

Be Open

Honesty is always the best policy. Be open about your head lice concerns and that you would like to discuss a plan incase of head lice infestation in your neighborhood, friend group, or school system. Explain the need for open communication, if lice appear in someone’s household it’s best to alert others who may have been exposed rather than be ashamed. Head lice is nothing to be ashamed of, as it can happen to anyone and opening these lines of communication can help set the tone for infestations to come. Help others to know they are not alone in this, and it’s something you as parents will get through together.

Be Knowledgeable

Learn your head lice facts. Having some information to bring to the table can help to ease other parents’ minds and prepare their families. Often people are afraid of head lice but knowing how they behave and how to eliminate them effectively will put their mind at ease. Discuss the difference between common myths they’ve heard and the reality of head lice. Dive deeper together by reading some expert blogs or information to prepare yourselves in case the need arises to use the information.

Be Prepared

Come up with a game plan in case of an infestation. Discuss common and effective treatment strategies like Lice Clinics of America’s signature, AirAllé® FDA-cleared medical device. Set up a system for informing each other or those your family had recent contact with of the situation. When a plan has already been set in place, no one will be caught off guard if the need to enact it arises. Find out your school’s head lice policy and incorporate that into your action plan. The more prepared you are the less stressful you’ll be in the case of an infestation.

Be Cordial

Sometimes talking about head lice is still hard and sometimes there are still individuals that just don’t want to talk. We encourage you to still include them in your planning but in a kind and friendly manner. Write a letter or send an email including the information discussed above. Explain your concerns about lice and state facts. Give them all the information they need to be just as prepared as those who took place in the discussion. Send them a step by step of the action plan, as well as, a list of treatment options and a copy of the school lice policy.

Be sure to keep the lines of communication with other parents in your area open. Talking about head lice and having a plan in mind can be one of the best preventatives. Keep yourself informed and prepared for head lice, but remember head lice is never your family’s fault. If parents work together, then you are never in it alone!

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !