
head lice prevention

Do Head Lice Spread in Winter?

We get a lot of questions about head lice. One of the most common this time of year is, do head lice even spread in the winter? We understand a lot of other insects die off in the winter months, but unfortunately head lice are not one of them. Head lice spread in the winter just like every other month.

Head Lice in the Winter

While head lice do prefer to be warm, the winter does slow the spread of lice. Nits won’t hatch if they get below room temperature. Lucky for them they survive off the heat of their human hosts not the outside temperature. The return to school, holiday travel, and holiday get togethers is actually a head lice’s winter wonderland. Lice outbreaks often happen in the winter after these events as people gather close together and lice can easily spread. Winter head lice spread is real and is something you should take precautions to prevent.

Preventing Head Lice in the Winter

Preventing head lice in the winter is a lot like preventing lice any other time of the year. The number one thing you can do is avoid head-to-head contact. With holiday gatherings this can be hard. We suggest hugging alternatives with social distancing in effect in many places anyways. You can also wear your hair up in festive hair styles to keep it out of the way. Avoid sharing accessories like hats, coats, and sweaters that come in contact with hair. Call ahead before traveling and inquire about the health of everyone in attendance. Avoiding head lice outbreaks is a great way to keep from spreading lice.

Should you find yourself with head lice this winter don’t panic. Lice Clinics of America – West Palm Beach and Treasure Coast are here to help! Our signature AirAllé device uses heat to dehydrate and kill lice fast. Leaving you head and your family head lice free in just one treatment guaranteed. We know winter can be a busy time and head lice is the last thing you want to be dealing with. Let Lice Clinics of America take care of things for you and get you back to your winter activities.

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !

head lice dos and don'ts

The Dos and Don’ts of Head Lice

Getting head lice can be confusing enough but knowing what and what not to do about it can be even more confusing. No one wants to have head lice any longer than they have to. Just like no one wants to spend thousands of dollars and countless hours on riding lice either. That’s why at Lice Clinics of America we believe in helping our clients with more than just head lice treatments but lice advice too. We’ll walk you through all the head lice dos and don’ts and take the confusion out of head lice removal.

Head Lice Don’ts

Let’s start with don’ts so you can hopefully use them as a cautionary to avoid head lice in the future and stay lice free.

  • Don’t panic or feel ashamed. Head lice can infest anyone, it happens often, and with Lice Clinics of America you can have them gone in no time!
  • Don’t use harsh chemicals, DIY treatments, or over the counter products. You could be harming yourself, and they may not be killing all the lice and eggs. Avoid having to pay for multiple treatments with LCA’s signature AirAllé treatment, a fast-guaranteed way to treat lice.
  • Don’t share accessories like hats, coats, hoodies, hairbrushes, and hair ties. Sharing items that have come in contact with your hair can help spread head lice. It’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid sharing these items.
  • Don’t overdo it on the cleaning. There is no need to buy new furniture or hire an exterminator or cleaning company. Head lice can only lice 24-48 hours without a host so most will die once leaving your head. A simple deep cleaning of your home will do.

Head Lice Do’s

Avoiding the confusion and stress of head lice can be easy with some helpful tips.

  • Do take a minute to breathe and come up with a plan. Most people’s first reaction to lice is stress. Taking a moment to focus can help you come up with a game plan and find that things really are not so bad.
  • Do inform others you have been in close contact with recently. While head lice can feel embarrassing, informing others can help prevent the spread and help them find infestations faster. Remember head lice can infest anyone and are nothing to be ashamed about.
  • Do avoid head-to-head contact. Head lice spread most commonly through direct contact. They cannot jump or fly and there for must crawl host to host. Avoiding direct contact can help you stop the spread and stay lice free.
  • Do get professional help riding head lice. Like we mentioned above a lot of over the counter and DIY solutions don’t kill all the lice the first time around. A professional on the other hand, can help ensure your first treatment leaves you lice free. At Lice Clinics of America, we use an FDA-cleared medical device to dehydrate and kill all lice and nits the first time, guaranteed.

Lice doesn’t have to be confusing with our easy-to-follow head lice dos and don’ts. Remember Lice Clinics of America is always here to answer any lice questions you may have and provide you with professional lice advice.

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – West Palm & Stuart which proudly service Treasure Coast, Palm City, and surrounding areas, we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! Let your kids and family members get back to the things they enjoy! Call us today to schedule an appointment at (833) END-LICE !